Why You Should Improve English
There is a little help for people who want to improve their English writing and speaking skills and who face problems in speaking English. You are one of them and you have come to right place. English is necessary where it is spoken frequently: particularly in English-speaking countries like USA or if you work there where you have to speak English for the best i.e in business as it is an international language,or if you favor of speaking English then there is no problem. Now head to the below heading to see how you can improve your English skills of writing and speaking particularly.
How to Improve English?Easy tips!
Be Calm and Don't be afraid to Make Mistakes
You have to improve English and if you are making mistakes,don't be afraid. There are people hearing your conversations and they hear it only to judge it i.e to find mistakes, and you can learn only from your mistakes.
Involving yourself in English speaking competitions
Take part in English challenges and competitions. This where you will become aware of your mistakes and more you do that,more you will learn. The best way to improve English is speaking English much.
Practice English Daily
Yes.Practice speaking/writing English daily,although you have progressed. Establish a routine of practice because practice makes the Man perfect!
Tell your Family Members and Friends to Let you struggle for English
If you will tell them. They will be less likely to disturb or interrupt you during your daily routine. Some of your friends might be jealous but take its advantage. Share your skills with them and see how they are good or bad from you in speaking English. An environment of challenge might be created.
Put English books on your Lap and Start Doing Exercises
This is the most familiar way to improve English.
Keep Use of your Vocabulary
Whatever you have read and learnt in your season of vocabulary. Keep use of those words in your conversations. If you will not, then it is useless to think of becoming good in speaking English.
Be Fresh while Practising
Always be fresh while you practise in your daily routine. If you do not wake early in morning then put the afternoon time in it. Avoid your practise at late night as you commonly do for the preparation of your exams after you waste your all time. You can sleep well at night and will be able to learn more.
Test your Speeches
Test your conversations and speeches to test that you have worked harder or not.
Make the Goal of Being Expert in English
You should only make the goal if you work hard also. Keep it for a long time.
Diligence in Improving English
It requires diligence and admiration to the goal and achievement of improving English. Don't think of you have to,instead you should think of you want to improve English or you will fail because it is your goal,your challenge,your locked achievement of improving English.
Choose the Way and the Methods Best for you in The Past
Stick to those methods and ways which worked best for you in the past times e.g Was it good when you studied alone or with a help group?
Don't be Shy in Asking for Help
If you need help then don't be shy in asking a teacher or your partner for help because shy people don't get success.
Review What you have Studied in the Past
Why do you revise what you had learnt for your exams. There is same case with this. Try to take time for it.
Half an Hour is Enough
For your daily practise, half an hour is enough. People get bored and besides,it has some disadvantages. Want to study more? Then take regular brakes and rest only.
Think Positive About English for Future
Always think that you will get great benefits in your future and there are a lot of advantages if you are working and struggling for the improvement of you English.
Don't Get Tired in The Completion of Goal
Don't get tired in the completion of the goal and always work for it.
Avoid Being in a Hurry
It takes time to progress and perfection which you would get if you concentrate on every part of your practise. This requires tests to validate that your concepts are clear.
Watching Movies and Listening to Songs
By doing this,you will be able to know correct pronunciations of words and what ways they can be used.
Reading Novels
Make your hobby of reading novels and not reading it for sometime and then putting it in the cupboard for months. Read the whole novels. But it can be hard to read novels of above your levels so it is recommended to read novels of your grade.
Reading Newspapers Loud
Read the newspaper articles loud to generate reading habit,to get knowledge,to increase confidence and it will be easy to spot your mistakes in pronunciation.
Use of Vocabulary in Daily Life
You should have use of your vocabulary in daily life. This can be done by using words in activities involved in daily life.
Use of Dictionary
You should use dictionary if you favour of finding out new words,their meanings,synonyms. A dictionary gives complete knowledge of your desired word. This also helps in knowing what words are used as what different parts of speech e.g watering as a verb,water as a noun and waterless as an adjective.
Observing your Speech
Delivering yourself different speeches in front of a mirror is great way to build confidence and speaking power. If you publicise doing this, people will not think good about you.
Write Sentences
Also try to make sentences daily and so then it will be easy to use new words afterwards.
Focusing on Punctuation
Focus on the punctuation of your words or it will change the way you speak those words.
Placing a Radio in Home
You can place a radio in your home so that you can increase your listening power which would be helpful when you talk to people and hear them.
Try to Know The Meanings of Words
Use dictionary only as help if you are stuck in finding the meaning of a word. Try to find them by observing how it was used.
Be Relaxed While Speaking English
You should be relaxed while you are speaking English or you will get nervous very much.
Studying in a Clean Place
Choose a place which is suitable for you study.
Awareness of British and American Words
You should be aware of British and American Words e.g film(British) and movie(American). You should use them according to your needs and situations.
Remembering Mistakes Before Speech
Gather all your thoughts of mistakes you made past before delivering English speech.
Live More with People Speaking English
This will help increase the ability of speaking English to people so live more with them and spend much time.
Taking Part in Debates
Take part in debates. Understand the thoughts of others and contribute more to it. This will increase speaking continuity,confidence.
Correct Use of Tenses
Use correct tenses according to the time of actions and know when to use what tense.
Use of Idioms
You can use idioms. It is hard to do but it will enhance the beauty of your language.
Surf the Internet
Use Internet to find help for your problems and if you want to learn more. Search for how to improve English writing and speaking skills.
Correct Usage of Articles
Examples are 'the','an','a'. You should use them correctly. 'The' is used for specific thing,'a' for a word with a consonant in the beginning and 'an' for the word with a vowel sound.
Take a Course for English Improvement
You also can take an English improvement course. If you want to,then go regularly on time,focus on your class and do your homework daily.
Will You Be Perfect Really?
These are great tips for improvement in your English though you follow some of them and great chances of it. You will see your perfection and progress in your English language if you have read above clearly and if you will follow upon it and see it bring progressive-improvement in English language.
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